
Team Which Will Meet English Picked on Basis of Dual Games

Rival Coaches Select Men to Face Oxford-Cambridge Team July 13

After the dual meet on Saturday at New Haven Coaches Farrell of Harvard and Connors of Yale got together and selected the team which will represent the two colleges in the Oxford-Cambridge meet on July 13 in the Stadium. The work of the respective teams against each other and against their other opponents was taken into account in picking the two entries for each event and several Harvard Freshmen were added to the list as well.

There is still some uncertainty about one man in the 100-yard dash, 380-yard run, mile run, 120-yard hurdles, the shotput, and the pole vault. Tests will be held at Cambridge on June 10 to determine the second men in the high hurdles and the shot, while the other still doubtful entries will be decided upon the basis of their work in the intercollegiates next Saturday.

The Yale members of the team and their coaches will come to Cambridge to train for the meet with their Crimson associates on June 24. Both squads journey to New Haven on July 7 to meet the English athletes and practice together for two days, returning to Cambridge to finish training a few days before the meet.

The entries follow:

100-yard dash--Kieselhorst (Y) and either T. F. Mason '30 or A. E. French '29.


220-yard dash Engle (Y) and Mason.

440-yard dash Engle (Y) and F. E. Cummings '30.

880-yard run--N. P. Hallowell '32 and either R. P. Porter '29, J. W. Fobes '32, or Talcott (Y).

One mile run--David Cobb '31 and either J. O. Wildes '29 or O'Brien (Y).

Two-mile run J. L. Reid '29 and Leslie Flaksman '29.

120-yard high hurdles--De Voe (Y) and either E. E. Record '32, F. J. Mardulier '30, or King (Y).

220-yard low hurdles--Kieselhorst (Y) and G. A. Tupper '29.

High jump--G. W. Kuehn '32 and Wolf (Y).

Broad jump--W. G. Rowe '31 and Oldt (Y).

Shotput--O'Gorman (Y) and either Kuehn, J. H. Potter '30, or Uhlein (Y).
