

Scores One Ahead of Him in Slugfest in First Inning--Whitmore Keeps Eight Hits Well Scattered

A sharp single off the bat of E. H. McGrath '31 sent E. R. Todd '29 across the home plate with the winning run in the eleventh inning of yesterday's baseball game with the Dartmouth nine. There were two out and the rain was falling steadily when the last ditch tally was scored, giving the Crimson a 6 to 5 victory over the powerful Green diamond forces.

Timely hitting made up for Harvard miscues afield as the University team sent Hollstrom, Hanoverian mound ace, home with his first defeat of the season. Howard Whitmore '29, in the box for the Crimson, remained cool under fire, allowing only eight scattered blows. Two circuit clouts, by Captain G. E. Donaghy '29 and Stokes Indian first sacker respectively, furnished the fire works as the opposing hurlers fought out a closely-contested pitcher's duel.

The scoring ice was broken in the opening frame when the University sluggers gave Hollstrom a hot reception, banging out five consecutive hits for four runs. Two were down when McGrath singled and Donaghy slammed out his homer. Safeties by Prior, Whitney, and Gilligan accounted for the other two tallies. Both sides were sent to the bench in short order during the two ensuing cantos.

The Green started a comeback in the fourth, a fielder's choice, a triple by Walsh, Indian third baseman, and a passed ball sending two markers over the rubber. After a scoreless fifth, the Dartmouth diamond forces went into a one-run lead. Two hits and Stokes' four-ply drive, coupled with some errors, gave the visitors a 5 to 4 advantage.

HARVARD  a.b.  r.  h.  p.o.  a.  e.Todd, c.f.  5  1  0  3  0  0Nugent, 2h.  6  1  0  3  4  0McGrath, s.s  5  1  2  5  1  2Donaghy, 3b.  5  1  3  1  1  1Prior, 1b.  5  1  2  9  1  0Whitney, l.f.  5  1  3  1  0  0Gilligan, r.f.  5  0  1  1  0  0Batchelder, c.  4  0  0  10  1  1Whitmore, p.  3  0  1  0  4  0Rassett  1  0  0  0  0  0  44  6  12  33  12  4DARTMOUTH  a.b.  r.  h.  p.o.  a.  e.Harvey, c.f.  3  0  1  4  0  0Parker, r.f.  4  1  1  1  0  0Rolfe, s.s.  5  1  1  2  3  2Walsh, 3b.  5  1  1  3  1  0Picken, 2b.  5  1  2  2  0  0Stokes, 1b.  4  1  1  12  0  0Downey, l.f.  5  0  0  0  0  0McDonough, c.  4  0  1  7  1  0Hollstrom, p.  4  0  0  0  2  0**Myllykangas  1  0  0  0  0  0  40  5  8  31  7  
