Announcement of the names of the three Seniors who will deliver Commencement parts at the two hundred and ninety-third Commencement Day exercises of the University was given out last night by University authorities. John Phillip Cooke '29, of Evanston, Illinois, will deliver a part in Latin. James Carey Thomas Flexner '29 of New York City, and Richard Arnold Stout '29, of Louisville, Kentucky, will give the English parts. The speaker representing the Law School will be Schuyler William Livingston 3L.
Professor C. N. Greenough '98 will address the Senior Chapel Service on Class Day morning. Professor E. C. Moore is to lead the prayers in the Sanders Theatre exercises, and will also assist President Lowell in the Baccalureate Service on Sunday.
Grimm Will Speak
Other Class Day speakers will be Lawrence Trevor Grimm '29, of Los Angeles, California, who will deliver the Class Oration, Robeson Bailey '29, of Wayne, Pennsylvania, who is to read the Class Poem, and Chauncey Deverecux Stillman '29, of New York City, who will deliver the Class Ode. The Chorister is Richard Stedman Holden '29, of Bennington, Vermont.
While the Seniors are attending the Tree Oration, the Alumni will form for their march to the Stadium where Alan Russell Blackburn Jr. '29 of Auburndale, Long Island, will deliver the Ivy Oration. The Stadium program includes singing by the Glee Club, the presentation of the Class Banner to the Class of 1932, the Singing of "Fair Harvard" and the usual Confetti Battle.
Allston Burr '89, President of the Alumni Association will preside at the Alumni Spread which is held on the afternoon of Commencement Day. At this gathering the announcement of the election of Overseers of the Harvard Council and the Directors of the Alumni Association will be made. The report of the Directors of the Harvard Fund Council will also be delivered at this time.
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