

Rifle Team Places Last in Shoot at Annapolis--Johnson, Captain and Star, is Absent

Handicapped by the absence of its captain and best shot, M. M. Johnson 31, the University rifle team took fourth place in the Intercollegiate Service Rifle Match held at the United States Naval Academy last Saturday: The Navy team won the match with George Washington University shooting second and Virginia Military Institute third.

In addition to being hurt by the loss of Johnson, the Harvard team was handicapped by lack of practice due to the rainy weather conditions prevalent this spring. At first, it was intended to shoot the match regionally but a last minute decision made it necessary for all teams to go to Annapolis. As a result, the Harvard team could not present its full strength. Other teams of this district were unable to send any representatives and Harvard was the only college which sent a corps from outside the Naval Academy region.

The men who made the trip for Harvard were as follows: W. M. Wing '31, who acted as captain, W. S. Carroll '29, S. D. Clark '31, W. P. Wadsworth '25, and Francis Donaldson Jr. '31.

The three winning teams are ranked as the best in the country and have repeatedly won the rifle shoots during the last few years. This is Harvard's first real attempt for a long-time to get into the ranks of intercollegiate rifle teams. The sharpshooters have been holding practice during most of the year on the range at Arlington but bad weather, has prevented intensive work this spring.

This is the second match that the Crimson has played this year and it is the second time it has met defeat. On April 27, it was beaten by the University of Texas.
