
In the Graduate Schools

Requirements of College Extended to School of Arts and Sciences

Students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, candidates for the degree of A.M., entering on and after September, 1929, will be required to show a reading knowledge of either French or German, and an elementary knowledge of the other of these two languages, according to a vote of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences made public yesterday. This new ruling will raise the standard of the language requirements for the higher degree to the level now existing in Harvard College for the degrees of A.B. and S.B.

Another ruling affecting graduate students in this department of the University was announced at the same time. It was voted that "All Divisions and Departments shall submit to the Committee on Instruction for approval, not later than two months in advance, any proposal to substitute some other form of test for the mid-year or final examination in courses under their jurisdiction, and the decision of the Committee on Instruction shall be final."

Uniformity of Examinations Sought

This vote was passed in an effort to make the practise with regard to examinations in graduate courses more uniform, and was designed primarily to affect research courses in which the ordinary final examination was not constant with the work of the course.

The ruling with respect to the language requirements will affect all those men entering the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences this coming Fall and thereafter, but it will apply principally to men entering from other colleges than Harvard, for all graduates of Harvard College have already been required to satisfy the requirement, and will not be asked to take a second examination. Men already students in the University are not affected by the ruling. Previous courses in languages taken outside Harvard will not be counted toward this requirement, but all candidates for the degree except those named above will be asked to submit to these two examinations, one in French and one in German.
