The vote of the Corporation allowing $166,000 of the H. A. A. surplus to be used for the erection of the second floor of the Athletic Building is evidence of a change of mind that should be heartily endorsed by those who have followed the recent developments. Time and money have been saved for both architect and builder and one mental hazard has been successfully passed.
Approximately $200,000 remains necessary to the completion of the building. Unfortunate difficulties still surround this figure. It is not impossible that the Corporation has shied away from yielding completely to the demands of the H. A. A. in the hope that there might yet be some genial benefactor among the body of graduates to meet this need.
But even with this in mind, several other considerations should first demand the attention of graduate contributions. The Harvard Fund, and especially the drive for an adequate Physics Building, launched recently by the generous gift of the Rockefeller Foundation, requires immediate contributions if only permanently to secure the original nucleus of the fund. These needs, unfortunately, can not be met by other than private contribution.
It is equally obvious that the independent position afforded the Athletic Association by a large surplus, is fully sufficient to insure the fulfillment of its particular needs. For it is estimated that aside from the $225,000 to be invested in permanent improvements during the next year, and aside from $166,000 that now is to be devoted to the gymnasium, there will yet remain a surplus amounting to $350,000 in the H. A. A.. treasury at the end of the year 1930. Consequently, if the possibility of any beneficence hovers over the edge of the horizon, the Physics department seems most deserving of sympathy, most dependent upon outside aid.
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