


The new Harvard House Plan and the nearly completed Langdell Hall will be the principal objects of interest to the Overseers of the college when they hold their annual two-day meeting which begins on Monday morning at 9.15 o'clock in University Hall.

After the other business of the meeting has been completed, President Lowell, Dean A. C. Hanford, and Professors J. C. Coolidge '95 and C. N. Greenough '98, who will be the Masters of the first two houses, will describe the new institutions, their aims, methods, operation, and relation to Harvard College and the Freshman Halls. Luncheon will be served the Overseers on Monday in McKinlock Hall and in the evening the Overseers, together with the members of the Corporation, will be the guests of President Lowell at his home on Quincy Street.

Inspect Langdell Tuesday

On Tuesday morning, at 9.30 o'clock the Overseers will meet in the new Courtroom of Langdell Hall and there the visiting committees will make their reports. After the business meeting, Dean Roscoe Pound of the Law School will speak on "Alums and Problems of Legal Education." Professor M. O. Hudson will explain the research in International Law and Professor F. B. Sayre will speak on the aims and plans of the new Institute of Criminal Law.

At 1 o'clock on Tuesday, luncheon will be served to the Overseers, visiting committees, and the faculty in the inner lobby and first floor corridor of the west wing of Langdell Hall. After luncheon, the visiting committee and the Overseers will inspect the building. On Tuesday evening the Law School visiting committee will give a dinner at the Harvard Club for the members of the Law School Faculty. The exercises in Langdell Hall will close the official two day meeting of the Overseers.
