
The Student Vagabond

For the Vagabond, at least, the month of April will close in a manner amply compensating for any unpleasantnesses it may have been responsible for in its younger weeks. It is a rare occasion when he is privileged to hear lectures on two subjects as attractive to him as are the two feature numbers on his program for today. The first is at twelve o'clock, when Professor Davison will speak on Old English music and illustrate his talk with selections. This is the first of two such lectures; the second to be given at the same time on Thursday morning at the same time. Both are to be held in Lawrence Hall 20.

The afternoon offers a lecture on another of the Vagabond's pet interests, the drama. Professor Hersey will speak in Emerson J at 2 o'clock on "The Modern Theatre from Irving to Hampden" and will be accompanied by lantern slides.


10 o'clock

"American Policies in the Far East since 1913", Professor Baxter, Harvard 2.


"Recent American Poetry", Professor Murdock, Harvard 2.

"Utilitarianism", Professor Perry, Emerson D.

"Lenses and Their Defects", Professor Black, Physical Laboratory.

"Inheritance in Animals", Dr. Parker, Geology Lecture room.

12 o'clock

"Roussel", Professor Hill, Music Building.


11 o'clock

"Some Post-War Problems", Professor Schlesinger, New Lecture Hall.

12 o'clock

"The First Moroccan Crisis and the Triple Entente, 1905-7" Professor Langer, Harvard 6.

2 o'clock

"Burns", Professor Greenough, Sever 11.
