With a group of students from nine different colleges in the vicinity of Boston present, the first meeting of the Students' Permanent International Assembly was held in the Faculty Room of the Harvard Union yesterday afternoon. The principal figure of the group was Sir Herbert Ames who was Treasurer of the League of Nations from 1919 to 1926. The Chairman of the meeting was Arthur Barnhart '28, formerly associated with the Democratic Club in the conduct of the mock convention held last year.
Elliott Begins Conference
Since Mr. Barnhart was unable to be present at the opening of the meeting at 3 o'clock, Professor W. Y. Elliott began the conference. He explained first the purpose of the assembly and stressed the fact that the assembly was not being organized merely for the purpose of dramatizing the procedure of the League but rather to discuss subjects of international scope from the viewpoints of the different nations with foreign students presenting their opinions from the point of view of their respective governments.
He pointed out that the idea of model assemblies is not new. Right after the conclusion of the World War many such groups sprang up. Students at London, Paris, and many smaller places were organized into international assemblies.
Sir Herbert Ames, who formerly engaged himself in helping college students organize similar assemblies was the next speaker. He mentioned the model League of Nations conference held at Mount Holyoke College last week.
At this meeting 23 different colleges and universities were represented and in the course of the one day conference 600 people including delegates and spectators attended. Following Professor Elliott, he admitted that "usually in such a group the dramatic idea is the predominant one."
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