Six members of the University tennis team were named yesterday to make the annual trip South during Spring vacation. Four of these men, not having Saturday classes, will leave on the 5 o'clock boat on Friday for New York and then go from there by boat to Norfolk, Virginia. The remainder of the squad will leave on Saturday.
The following men were named by Coach H. L. Cowles to make the trip: Captain B. H. Whitback '29, Arthur Ingraham Jr. '30, F. K. Trask '30, R. L. Tower '31, E. B. Ward '30 and J. L. Ware '30. Besides these men Coach Cowles and Manager J. O. Ross '29 will accompany the team. As previously announced, the team will spend the entire week at Norfolk, playing four matches there.
When the men return they will immediately begin to play their regular schedules matches. The schedule as released yesterday shows matches with the following teams: Oakley C. C. on April 20; N. Y. U. on April 24; Columbia on April 27; Amherst on May 4; Bowdoin on May 7; M. I. T. on May 8: Dartmouth an May 11; Brown on May 15: Pennsylvania on May 18: Williams on May 22; Yale on May 25.
It was also announced yesterday that the Freshman tournament will begin the Monday after vacation.
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