Two awards, one a travelling fellowship in Greek, and the other a prize in Economics which carries with it publication of the winning thesis, have been made by the University, it was announced this morning.
V. E. Way has won the first of these grants, the Charles Eliot Norton Fellowship in Greek Studies for the year 1929-30 on the basis of a thesis written on a subject in the field of the classics. Way gained his master's degree at Harvard in 1926, and is now pursuing work in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. The David A. Wells Prize in Economics was won by John Van Sickle 21, for an essay entitled "Direct Taxation in Austria 1918-1923". Van Sickle got his bachelor's degree in 1927 at Cornell before coming to Harvard to study law.
As the holder of the Greek fellowship. Way will study during the year of his incumbency at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, and will devote himself to research on some special subject to be approved by the committee administering the award. The range of selections is a wide one, including Greek history, literature, art, archaeology, epigraphy, and topography.
The fellowship was founded in 1901 by James Loeb '88, in memory of the distinguished educator whose name it perpetuates, Charles Eliot Norton, professor of the History of Art at the University from 1875 to 1898.
The Wells prize is awarded annually for the best thesis embodying the results of original investigation within the field of Economics. The successful work will be published by the University. The competition was open to members of the Senior Class and to graduates in any department who are not of more than three years' standing.
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