

With the organization today of a model League of Nations for the Bay region, student cooperation in the promotion of international understanding is once more called to aid the efforts of statesmen and diplomats. The idea is not new, since within the last year or two, similar assemblies have been held at Mount Holyoke, Vassar, and Amherst. But in the development of this latest organization, there is much that may remedy the difficulties that have impeded former attempts.

The aid of the Boston League of Nations Association, which has offered to support a permanent secretariat, is an asset that will insure a certain amount of stability in the organization. This secretariat with undoubtedly perform the tiresome routine necessary to the mobilization of the various independent college organizations, and will pave the way to well planned, smoothly executed assemblies.

With the improvement in the efficiency of such an organization, it may be that something will be actually accomplished toward the intangible goal that invites the efforts of its constituent organizations, namely, that of inciting the continual study of international affairs, with particular regard to the League of Nations and its procedure, and the promotion of international understanding.

Much has been said for and against enterprises seeking an idealized brotherhood of nations. But, if it is possible for the host engaged in this form of endeavor to shake off the patronizing sentimentality that at present casts an altogether too holy shadow over such efforts, the underlying economic and political significances may be found to be of some import. The present organization, founded on a sound mechanical basis, has at least a greater opportunity than the confusedly related bodies that surround it, to arrive at a conclusion worthy of the attempt.
