(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer, will names be withheld.)
To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
On behalf of the Class Officers and the Jubilee Committee, I should like to reply to the letter which appeared in Thursday's CRIMSON concerning the date of May 17 for the Jubilee. We are well aware and extremely sorry that there are some who will find this date inconvenient on account of Freshman athletic contests, but such will be the case on every Saturday of the Spring term. The Class Officers, in selecting this date, chose it as the most favorable in regard to these contests. As the Dean's Office does not allow the dance to be held during the middle of the week, Friday is the only permissible day on which it may take place. Also the Dean's Office does not permit it to occur after the close of the respective seasons, because it would come during Final Examinations. I should be glad total with anyone who has a suggestion as to a more favorable date. Charles C. Cunningham. Chairman of the Jubilee Commttee.
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