
Final Exam Dates Are Printed For First Time Below

The schedule of final examinations as announced by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences follows.

The examination period will begin on May 28, when daily exercises in all courses end. Unless 2 o'clock is specified, all examinations are at 9.15 o'clock.

This is the final schedule but may be subject to slight changes. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29. (III) Anthropology A  Mallinckrodt Large lect. Rm. Anthropology 11  Memorial Hall Astronomy 1  Geol. Lect. Rm. Botany 7  Gray Herb. Chemistry 15  Mallinckrodt Large Rm. Class. Philology 30  Sever 17 Economics 7b  New Lect. Hall Economics 31  Sever 5 English 2  Harvard 2, 5, 6 English 54  New Fogg Lect. Rm. French 9  Emerson F, J Geography 7  Sever 5 Geology 17b  Sever 18 German 1a. sects. 3, 4  New Fogg Lect. Rm. German 2. sects. 2, 3  Sever 11 German 12b  Sever 30 Government 8  Harvard 6 Greek B 1  Sever 30 History 12  New Lect. Hall History 56b  New Lect. Hall History 57b  Andover B Latin 12  Sever 18 Mathematics A II Prof. Birkhoff, 1  Sever 23, 24 Mr. Brown, 2  Sever 24 Mr. Wexler, 3  Sever 35 Mr. Fox, 4  Sever 35 Mathematics C, I sects 1, 2, 3, 4  Memorial Hall Mathematics 4  Sever 36 Mineralogy 2  Mineralogical Lab. Music 6  Sever 18 Philosophy A Prof. Eaton, E1  Emerson D Mr. Kraushaar, K1, K2  Emerson D Mr. Kerby-Miller, S1, S2, S3  Emerson D Mr. Morgan, M1, M2  Emerson D Physics 7  Sever 17 Semitie 6  Andover C Semitie 16  Sem. Mus. 3 Zoology 4  Sever 6 2 o'clock Fine Arts 3b  Robinson Hall German B  New Lect. Hall Semitic 1  Sem. Mus. 3 FRIDAY, MAY 31. (IX) Economics 15  Emerson D French A  Emerson D French 1  New Lect. Hall French 23 hf.  Emerson D Scandinavian 2  Emerson D Spanish 3  Emerson D Zoology 15  Emerson D 2 o'clock Chemistry 22  Emerson D Economics 41  Emerson J French B  Emerson J Military Science 2  New Lect. Hall Military Science 4  New Lect. Hall Mineralogy 15  Mineralogical Lab. Naval Science 2  Emerson J Semitic 14  Sem. Mus. 3 Social Ethics 30  Emerson J SATURDAY, JUNE 1. (IV) Anthropology 5b  Harvard 6 Chemistry A  Mallinckrodt Large Rm.   Pierce 110 Chemistry 3b  Mallinckrodt Medium Rm. Chemistry 21  Mallinckrodt Medium Rm. Chinese 1  Sever 30 Economics 14  Sever 30 Engin. Sciences 7b  Pierce 307 English 3b  Emerson J English 29b  Memorial Hall Fine Arts 1d  New Fogg Lect. Rm. French 7  Emerson D Geology 8  Harvard 6 German 1b  Sever 5, 6 German 5  Sever 30 German 7  Sever 29 Government 9a  Memorial Hall Greek 12  Sever 29 History 5b  New Lect. Hall History 8  Emerson J History 9  Harvard 6 Latin B Mr. Peterkin, I  Sever 17 Prof. Rand, II  Sever 18 Mr. Sherman, III  Sever 23 Latin 1  Sever 24 Mathematics C II  Sever 36 Mathematics 2, sect. 1  Sever 35 Mathematics 5b  Harvard 5 Mathematics 11  Emerson J Music 3a  Music Bldg. Philosophy 19  Emerson A Semitie 13  Sever 29 Spanish 5  Emerson F MONDAY, JUNE 3. (VII) Anthropology 12  Sever 36 Celtic 2  Sever 17 Chemistry 4  Mallinckrodt Medium Rm. Chemistry 44  Mallinckrodt Medium Rm. Comp. Literature 36  Sever 24 Economics 3  Emerson D, J Economics 11  Harvard 5 English 19  Sever 23 English 52  New Lect. Hall French 5  Sever 35 French 11 hf.  Harvard 5 French 16  Emerson F Geography 3  Sever 24 Geology 11  Rotch Bldg. German H  Sever 23 Government 6  Harvard 6 History 53a  Harvard 6 Indie Philology 1b  Sever 18 Italian 4  Sever 23 Latin A 1  Sever 17 Latin 15  Sever 18 Mathematics A III  Sever 18 Palaeontology 3  Zool. Lab. 17 Philosophy 9d  Emerson F Psychology 5  Emerson A. F Slavie 5  Sever 24 Social Ethics 3  Emerson F Zoology 6b  Sever 5.6 2 o'clock Chinese 24  Sever 6 Economics 34  Sever 6 Engin. Sciences 3b  Robinson Hall French 14  Sever 5 French 29  Sever 5 Government 15  Sever 5 History 38  Sever 6 Mathematics 27  Sever 6 Music 1a  Music Bldg. Music 1b  Music Bldg. Philosophy., 27  Emerson A Physiology 4  Sever 6 Psychology 10  Emerson A Social Ethics 29  Emerson A TUESDAY. JUNE 4 (II) Anthropology 1  Pierce 110 Chemistry 17  Mallinckrodt Large Rm.

Chinese 12  Sever 18Economics 5  Mallinckrodt Large Rm.English 1  New Fogg Lect. Rm.English 79  Sever 6, 7Fine Arts 1f  Robinson HallFine Arts 5v  New Fogg Small Rm.Fine Arts 13a  Emerson DFrench 21  Sever 5Geography 12  Sever 35German 1a, sects. 1, 2  Sever 17German 2, sect. 1  Sever 30Government 19  Sever 11History 1Mr. Cram, 1, 12, Conf. group I  New Lect. HallMr. Dow, 2, 3  Geol. Lect. Rm.Mr. Durand, Conf. group II  New Lect. HallMr. Evans, 4, 14, Conf. group III  Memorial HallMr. Gideonse, 5, 13, Conf. group IV  New Lect. HallMr. Jordan, 7, 18, Conf. group VI  Memorial HallMr. McDonald, 8, 17, Conf. group VII  Harvard 5Mr. Parkman, 9, Conf. group VIII  Memorial HallMr. Perkins, 10, 25, Conf. group IX  New Lect. HallMr. Potter, 6, 15, Conf. group V  Geol. Lect. Rm.Mr. Scramuzza, 11, 21, Conf. group X  Harvard 6History 4  Harvard 3History 24b  Sever 30Italian 5  Sever 18Latin 8  Sever 18Mathematics A I, sect. 1, 2  Harvard 2Mathematics 2, sect. 2  Sever 32, 35, 36Mathematics 26  Sever 18Music 2  Emerson JPhilosophy 1  Emerson DPhysics 6a  Sever 29Psychology 31  Emerson ASemitic 9  Emerson JSocial Ethics A  Emerson JSpanish 6  Sever 292 o'clockPhilosophy 12b  Emerson AWEDNESDAY, JUNE 5 (XII)Anthropology 3a  Sem. Mus. 1Astronomy 2a  Sever 11Biology A  Geol. Lect. Rm.  Pierce 110Botany 10  Gray Herb.Chemistry 11  Mallinckrodt Medium Rm.Chinese 2  Sever 29Class. Philology 63  Sever 35Comp. Philology 2b  Sever 35Economics 1b  Emerson JEconomics 6b  Emerson JEconomics 38  Harvard 2Education B  Sever 17, 18, 23English 28  Memorial HallEnglish 33  New Fogg Large Lect. Rm.English 75  New Fogg Large Lect. Rm.English 77  New Fogg Large Lect. Rm.Fine Arts 15e  New Fogg Small Lect. Rm.French 6  New Lect. HallGerman 28  Sever 35Government 27a  Sever 30Greek 2  Sever 35History 13  Sever 5, 6, 7History 15  Harvard 5History 40  Harvard 5History 68  Harvard 6History of Science 1  Emerson DItalian 1  Old Fogg Lect. Rm.Mathematics A V, sects. 1, 2  Sever 24Mathematics C V  Sever 8Mathematics 3  New Lect. HallMathematics 15  Sem. Mus. 1Music 4  Music Bldg.Philosophy 4  Emerson DPhysics D  Mallinckrodt Large Lect. Rm.Physics 2b  Sever 29Physics 16a  Mallinckrodt Large. Lect. Rm.Physiology 2  Sever 11Romance Philology 3  Sever 36Social Ethics 1b  Emerson DTHURSDAY, JUNE 6. (I)Anthropology 8  Emerson DGeology 18  Emerson DSpanish 1  Emerson D2 o'clock (VI)Botany 16  Emerson JEnglish 32  New Lect. HallFrench 3  Emerson JFrench 28 hf.  Emerson JFRIDAY, JUNE 7. (XIV)Chemistry 7  Emerson DComp. Literature 11  Emerson DComp. Literature 13  Emerson DEconomics 9b  New Lect. HallEconomics 13b  Emerson JEnglish 78  New Lect. HallEnglish 87  Emerson JFrench 10  New Lect. HallGovernment 17b  Harvard 2Government 18a  Harvard 5Government 21  Harvard 5History 18  New Lect. HallLatin A H  Sever 17Latin B IV  Sever 18Mathematics 12b  Sever 36Mineralogy 10  Mineralogical Lab.Music 4b  Music Bldg.Philosophy 3  Emerson JPhysics C  New Lect. HallPhysics 3b  Sever 36Semitic 8  Emerson JSlavic 1b  Emerson JSATURDAY, JUNE 8. (V)Chemistry 6  New Lect. HallClass Philology 67  Sever 18Economics 8  Harvard 2Economics 10b  Emerson FEnglish 14  Sever 11Fine Arts 9a  New Fogg Lect. Rm.French 17  Emerson FGeology 5  New Lect. HallGeology 10  Harvard 2German 2, sect. 4  Sever 5German 26b  Sever 5Greek A  Sever 36Greek G I  Sever 36History 2b  Memorial HallMathematics 10a  Harvard 6Music 3  Memorial HallPhilosophy 5  Emerson D, JPhilosophy 6b  Sever 17, 18, 23Physics B  Geol. Lect. Rm.Physics 12  Harvard 6Physics 17b  Harvard 3Psychology 24a  Emerson ASocial Ethics 10  Emerson FSpanish 4 hf.  Sever 36MONDAY, JUNE 10. (XIII)Anthropology 2  Sem. Mus. 1Astronomy 2b  Astron. LabChemistry 8  Mallinckrodt Medium Rm.Chemistry 33  Mallinckrodt Large Rm.Chinese 3  Sever 35Class. Philology 59  Sever 35Comp. Literature 4  Sever 35Comp. Literature 6b  Harvard 5Comp. Literature 37  Emerson DEconomics AMr. Bigelow. O, Y  Memorial HallDr. Chamberlin, C  Memorial HallMr. Crane. J. R  Memorial HallMr. de Chazeau, K, T  Memorial HallMr. Johnson, G, S  Harvard 6Mr. Leighton, B, E  Harvard 2Mr. Parsons, BB, W  Harvard 6Mr. Ratziaff, L, U  New Lect. HallMr. Shoemaker, A, P  New Lect. HallMr. Stratton, Q, Z  New Lect. HallMr. Taylor, D. F  New Lect. HallMr. White, M, X  New Lect. HallMr. Winslow. H, N  New Lect. HallEconomics 4b  Geol. Lect. Rm.  Pierce 110English 39  Harvard 5English 76  Sever 35Fine Arts 1a  New Fogg Lect. Rm.German 8  Sever 29German 9  Sever 18German 24  Sever 18Government 4  Sem. Mus. 1Government 13b  Sever 30, 35Greek B II  Sever 29History 55  Sever 6, 11Italian 10  Sever 36Mathematics 2, sect. 3  Harvard 3Mathematics 13  Sever 5Mineralogy 12  Geol. Mus. 22Music 5  Sever 29Palaeoniology 1  Emerson A. JPhilosophy 3a  Emerson DPhilosophy 9  Emerson DSpauish 8  Sever 36TUESDAY. JUNE 11 (VIII)Chemistry 9  Emerson FClass. Philology 55  Emerson FEnglish 4  Harvard 2Fine Arts 14d  Fogg Small Lect. Rm.German AMr. Bennett, 8  Emerson ADr. Cross, 15, 20, 21  New Lect. HallMr. Hawkes, 4, 13  New Lect. HallDr. Heffner, 6, 11  Emerson DMr. Henry, 16, 19  Emerson DDr. Herrick, 1, 14  New Lect. HallDr. Howe, 5  New Lect. HallMr. Johnston, 2, 9, 12  New Lect. HallMr. McCoy, 7  Harvard 2Mr. Nolte, 3, 17  Emerson DMr. Palmer, 10, 18  New Lect. HallGerman C  Emerson JGerman 21  Emerson AIndic Philology 3  Emerson AWEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 (XI)Botany 1  Geol. Lect. Rm.Botany 14  Geol. Lect. Rm.Chemistry 5  Mallinckrodt Medium Rm.Class. Philology 53  Sever 18Economics 2  Sever 18, 19, 23, 24Engin. Sciences 5b  Pierce 307English 7  Sever 5, 6English 41  New Fogg. Lect. Rm.  Sever 11, Emerson JFine Arts 15b  Fogg Small Rm.French 30  Harvard 2German 1c  Harvard 2German 4  Sever 17Government 1Dr. Bromage, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5  New Lect. HallMr. Elsbree, E1, E2, E3, E4  Memorial HallProf. Friedrich, F  Memorial HallMr. Herring, H1, H2, H3, H4  New Lect. HallMr. Larkin, L1, L2, L3, L4  New Lect. HallMr. Houser, O1, O2  Memorial HallMr. Robbins, R1, R2, R3  Harvard 5Mr. Royse, S1, S2, S4  Harvard 6Mr. Royse, S3  Harvard 3Greek G II  Sever 30Greek 8  Sever 29, 30History 11  Harvard 1Mathematics A IV, sects. 1, 2  Sever 35Mathematics C IV, sects. 1, 2  Sever 36Mathematics 1b  Sever 17Mathematics 22b  Sever 30Music 1c  Music Bldg.Physics 4b  Sem. Mus. 1Psychology 1  Emerson D, FRomance Philology 4  Sem. Mus. 1Slavic 1a  Emerson ASocial Ethics 11  Emerson ASpanish 2  Sever 29THURSDAY, JUNE 13 (XVII)Comp. Philology 2a hf.  Emerson DEconomics 32  Harvard 2Economics 39  Harvard
