

Patriots All

At three o'clock in the afternoon, of Friday, April 19, began the greatest endurance test since Dempsey beat Carpentiers. Two strong and husky entrants from that respected school across the Common, were to sit in opposite windows of a music store on Holyoke St., and play victoria records continuously until one or the other should fall asleep or faint of fatigue. To the winner the proprietor of the shop promised to award a handsome prize of twenty-five dollars, and to the loser a generous prize of ten dollars.

Betting was about even of the two contestants. One looked huskier, but the other had that wiry physique which can go through many a crisis. The contest was predicted to last three days and fifteen hours, meals being supplied by a neighboring restaurant, also patronized by Harvard undergraduates: There were five policemen added to the beat, on account of various threats of brickbats through a window and caffein tablets in the soup of the man who seemed to be carrying his class to victory. There is a room in Still-man infirmary and two trained nurses held in readiness for the first to succumb.

We have seen times when twenty-five dollars would ransom a king, and ten dollars was a fortune, but when Harvard, famed for its indifference and its gray matter, resumes again the antics of its prep school-days, and we cannot help but sigh. --The Radcliffe Daily.

Editors Note: In all justice, give the little girl a hand. A child's scornful indignation at the antics of the big brother can only be equaled by the latter's wrath at finding his paint box exhausted in the interests of embryonic art. Such attention must be significant whether deserved or not. It was not so long ago that the long, long haired sister expressed a preference for the military buttons of the soldier boy. The present comment is at lest an indication of the fact that the same benevolent attention is bestowed upon the irresponsibilities of the big brother. Fortunately or unfortunately, circumstances have intervened to absolve him of his guilt, since the participants referred to in the above scornful condemnation were not Harvard men.
