The recipients of 38 scholarships and fellowships, including five for study abroad, were announced yesterday at University Hall as follows:
W. R. Maclaurin '29, of Boston; Charles H. Fiske 3d Scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge.
J. M. Carriere, instructor, of Ottawa, Ontario; E. C. Helmreich 3G, of Crescent City, III.; R. S. Stryker G.S.L.A., of Los Angeles, Cal.; John Volkman '27, of Cambridge; Sheldon Fellowships.
Wolfgang Kraus, Referendar at the University of Frankfort, Germany; Pugsley Scholarship at the Harvard Law School.
J. P. Moore, of Davidson, N. C.; Rumrill Scholarship, J. W. Wallace, of Dorchester; R. S. Wallace 1G.Ed., of Dorchester; S. W. Elton 1L, of Dorchester; Stoughton Scholarships, F. L. Dewey, of Des Moines, 1a., and W. B. Lockhart, of Des Moines, 1a.; Charles Elliott Perkins Scholarships. W. F. Rideout 2L, of Malden; Parlin Scholarship.
In the Medical School nine scholarships and research fellowships were awarded as follows:
H. K. U. Beecher 1M, of Wichita, Kan.; L. S. Davis 3M, of Dallas, Tex.; C. W. Steele 2M, of Chillicothe, Mo.; De Lamar Student Research Fellowships. Champ Lyons 2M, of Mobile, Ala., and L. S. Pilcher, 2d, 3M, of Montclair, N. J.; James Jackson Cabot Fellowships. Hugh Montgomery 3M, of Woods Hole; George Cheyne Shattuck Memorial Fellowship. W. P. Reed 3M, of Milwaukee, Wis.; John Ware Memorial Fellowship. E. R. Lehnherr 2M,
of Sabetho, Kan.: Charles Eliot Ware Memorial Fellowship. M. D. Eaton Jr. 3M, of Stockton, Cal.: Charles Sedgwick Minot Fellowship.
In the Law School one scholarship was announced, the Downer Scholarship, to L. E. Bunker 1L, of Wellesley Hills.
In the Graduate School of Education 15 scholarships, were awarded, as follows: F. A. Berger, of Daytona Beach, Fla.; G. D. Brock, of Institute, W. Va.; H. E. Frazey, of Hendersonville, N. C.; Austin Scholarships for Teachers. P. B. Diederich 1G.Ed., of Waterbury, Conn., J. R. Hobson, of Cambridge, Ohio; L. K. McNair '26, of Pittsfield; L. E. Stewart, of Virgin Island; W. A. Thomson, of Niles, Ohio; A. K. Tweedie, of Albany, N. Y.: Faculty Scholarships. L. K. McNair '26, of Pittsfield: Phi Delta Kappa Scholarship. O. R. Carlson '28, of Beverly; H. M. Lewis 1 G. Ed., of Claremont, Cal.; M. D. Russell 2G. Ed., of Dorchester; M. R. Seymour, of Brockton; R. H. Smith, of Schenectady, N. Y.; University Scholarships