

Boxes and Tables to be Placed in Delta of Memorial Hall--Canvas Will be Spread for Outdoor Dancing

The annual Senior Spread will be held in Memorial Hall on the evening of June 17 from 9 to 3 o'clock, it was announced yesterday by E. W. Sexton '29, chairman of the Class Day Committee, who, with John Tudor '29, chairman of the Senior Spread Committee, is in charge of plans for the affair.

The music for the dance will be supplied by an orchestra made up of leading musicians picked from various Boston orchestras by Howard Whit more '29. Boxes and tables will be placed in the Delta, and will be furnished and decorated by the Committee. The larger boxes, holding from 12 to 16 occupants, will be near the Hall, while the smaller ones, holding from six to eight, will be situated in the middle of the Delta. Two of the boxes and six of the tables will be reserved for the patronesses, whose names are to be announced later.

There will be dancing both in the Hall and outside on the Delta, where a canvas will be spread over the grass and walks. Supper will be served from 12 to 1.30 o'clock.

The Committee requests that all box and table groups be formed as soon as possible. The complete list of all the occupants should be typewritten and sent to Sexton at 23 Straus Hall. Each Senior is allowed only two tickets, and only Seniors may attend the function.
