With the opening match of the season just a little more than a week distant Coach Harry Cowles. University and Freshman tennis mentor has cut his squad to 17 men whom he has placed on a tentative first squad. A tournament for those not retained on the squad will be held on the Divinity courts as soon as the inclement weather of the past several days clears up and the courts are back in shape.
Following is a list of men retained by Cowles in the cut: Owen Appleton '32, A. S. Armstrong '32, W. A. Beyer '32, F. B. Broida '32, F. O. Canfield '32, H. W. Cole '32, F. A. Foster '32, D. M. Frame '32, Milton Greenfield '32, Edward Orlandini '32, A. W. Patterson '32, G. B. Ray '32, Ellery Sedgwick '32, C. N. Townsend '32, C. Y. Wadsworth '32, Mark Woodbury '32, and R. H. Woodward '32. It is from these men that the six players who oppose M. I. T. Freshmen on Saturday. April 27 will be picked. After this match the first year men play nine other schools before they face the Yale 1932 team on May 25. Following is the complete schedule for the season:
April 27 M. I. T.
April 30 Milton at Milton.
May 4 University seconds.
May 8 St. Marks at South bore
May 11 Dartmouth at Hanover.
May 15 Andover.
May 18 Exeter at Exeter.
May 22 Worcester.
May 25 Yale.
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