

Strength of 1932 Aggregation as Yet Unknown Quantity

HARVARD 1932  ST. ANSELMS Mays. 2b.  s.s., Cavanaugh Delano. 3b.  2b., Padden Sprague. c.f.  c.f., Murray Wood, s.s.  l.f., Zapustus Des Roches, l.f.  lb., Donovan Cunningham. r.f.  3b., Shea Sheldon. 1b.  r.f., McCarthy Fincke, c.  c., McIntyre White or Tobe. p.  p., Page or Donahue

At the same time that Coach Mitchell's University nine will be making its first home appearance of the year tomorrow Coach Davidson. Freshman mentor, will start his 1932 baseball team against St. Anselms College in their initial test of the season. The game will be played at 4 o'clock on the Freshman Diamond.

The pitching burden today will fall on F. O. White '32, who did mound duty for Country Day School last year, and Phineas Tobe '32. Reginald Fincke '32 will start behind the bar, but during the game will probably trade positions with J. F. Sheldon '32 who is covering the initial sack F. A. Mays '32. W. B. Wood '32, and C. C. Cunningham '32, football and hockey stars will also be in the starting lineup.
