This afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Locker Building the outdoor track season will be officially inaugurated with a meeting of all candidates for both University and Freshman teams, according to an announcement yesterday by Coach E. L. Farrell.
Speakers at the gathering at which plans for the coming season will be outlined will include Coaches Farrell and Jaako Mikkola, E. C. Haggerty '27, and A. H. O'Neil '28, former Harvard captains, and J. L. Reid '29, leader of this year's team.
Informal Practice Started
During the past month, under the direction of Coaches Farrell and Mikkola, assisted by Haggerty and O'Neil, informal outdoor practice has been held, when weather permitted. Weightmen and candidates for the discus and javelin have been out regularly since the I.C. 4A. meet on March 2, and the call for long distance men was issued two weeks ago. Others who cared to attend practice during this time were offered the advantages of special individual instruction before the main body of hurdlers, sprinters, and jumpers turned out today. Candidates for the Freshman team, after a lay-off of two weeks following the Exeter meet, were summoned outside two weeks ago, to prepare for their first meet, which will be with Andover on April 20.
With no southern trip planned for this year, the first contest on the University schedule will be the Penn Relays on April 27 and 28, in which Harvard will enter several relay teams and a few sprinters, weightmen, and hurdlers. On May 4 a triangular meet between Harvard. Brown, and Holy Cross will be staged in the Stadium, and on May 11, the University handicap meet will be held. With the Dartmouth meet scheduled for May 17, the Yale contest comes only a week later. The Intercollegiate at Philadelphia on May 30 and June 1 and the Harvard-Yale-Cambridge-Oxford meet in the Stadium on July 13 complete the season's schedule.
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