For some time the notice column has been lengthened by announcements, of visits to Cambridge by representatives of many concerns, to the mutual benefit, it is hoped, of Seniors and business world. But this reversed Hegira has only begun, and the main body of those seeking recruits will arrive later in the spring.
So the appearance of Mr. Daly's series of articles on the phases of business is of particular importance now, Comparatively few of that host of Seniors who are inevitably going to enter some branch of the commercial field have had sufficient training to formulate any sound ideas on the subject. The cultural theories that see rightly a certain acquaintance with literature, art, music as highly desirable in producing that gentle abstraction, the complete man, generally trouble themselves not at all with the crass, sordid details that must crop up for every one without means, or desire to live in an ivory tower; and even the courses in college curricula dealing with the science of business are more involved in the evolution of the abstract than in the grappling with the concrete.
Mr. Daly's articles will be as specific a presentation of this subject as is possible. The author and the CRIMSON refuse to guarantee unconditional success to every follower of the series; but they can reasonably prophesy that readers will gain an intelligent understanding of important matters in contemporary business.
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