

Races Among Different Groups to be Held Each Week--Schedule Given for 1929 Regattas

Following the first appearance of two University crews on the Charles River last Tuesday afternoon, with five more taking to the water yesterday, Coach E. J. Brown '96 announced that beginning next week regular races will be held in the basin between the various shells. Coach Brown said that the crews went out on the river earlier this year than for the past three or four years, the average date for their first appearance being about March 13.

The men are at present divided up into five crews according to their classes, there being two Sophomore crews and a mixed crew in addition to one from both the Senior and Junior classes. Coach Brown said that this arrangement would be followed until after the Spring recess when the University and Second University crews would be picked. He plans to shift the candidates for the stroke and coxswain berths continually in order to get the best men for these positions which are left vacant by the graduation of John Watts '28 and C. H. Pforzheimer '28, stroke and coxswain respectively on last year's eight.

The first race of the year will be on May 4 against M. I. T. on the Charles River course. This will be followed by a race with Cornell over the same course on May 11 and a triangular regatta with the United States Naval Academy and Pennsylvania at Annapolis on May 18. The annual race with Yale will, as usual, be held on the Thames in the latter part of June.
