9 o'clock
"The Welfare Power", Professor Holcombe, New Lecture Hall.
"The Parliamentary Dissolution of 1629", Professor Whitney, Harvard 6.
10 o'clock
"Protoplasm", Dr. Parker, Geology Lecture Room.
"L' Opinion Publique en France au XVII Siecle", Professor Morize, Harvard 6.
"Nathaniel Hawthorne", Professor Murdock, Harvard 2.
"Johnson", Professor Greenough, Sever 11.
11 o'clock
"The Most Primitive Vertebrates", Professor Raymond, Geology Museum 12.
"Archbishop Laud and Bishop Joseph Hall", Mr. McLane; Sever 18.
"Richard Steele", Professor Murray, Harvard 3.
"John Fischart", Professor Howard, Sever 6.
12 o'clock
"Progress of Religious Toleration in the XVII century", Professor Whitney, Emerson J.
9 o'clock
"Euphronius", Professor Chase, Fogg lecture room.
10 o'clock
"Prose Writers of the Augustan Age", Professor Rand, Sever 13.
"Superior Planets", Professor Plaskett, Astronomy Laboratory.
"L' Ecole des Femmes", Professor Wright, Sever 35.
"Spinoza's Ethics", Professor Eaton, Emerson D.
11 o'clock
"Stendhal et Merimee", Professor Allard, Emerson A.
"The New South", Mr. Buck, New Lecture Hall.
"Herder's Essays", Professor Silz, Sever 25.
"Flames", Professor Lamb, large Mallinckrodt lecture room.
12 o'clock
"Shakespeare's Sonnets", Professor Lowes, large Fogg lecture room.
"Michael Angelo", Professor Post, small Fogg lecture room.
"Thomas Dekker", Professor Murray, Harvard 3.
"Rise of the English and Dutch Power in the East", Professor Usher, Widener U.
2 o'clock
"Purchasing Power Parity", Professor Williams, Harvard 6.
"Sixth Book of the Aeneid", Mr. Peterkin, Sever 14.
"Fossorial Adaptations in Mammals", Professor Allen, Zoology Laboratory 46.
"Formation of Byzantine Art", Professor Porter, small Fogg lecture room.
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