

Doctor Announces That Examination Revealed No Complications -- Hopes for Swift Recovery

Dean Le Baron Russell Briggs '75 underwent an abdominal operation yesterday morning in the Phillips House of the Massachusetts General Hospital, it was learned yesterday from the doctors in charge of his case.

Dr. C. A. Porter '88, who performed the operation, announced last evening that Dean Briggs was suffering no ill effects and was resting comfortably. According to Dr. Porter, the nature of Dean Briggs' illness was considered serious and he was taken to Phillips House the day before yesterday preparatory to operating. The operation, Dr. Porter said, revealed that the condition of Dean Briggs was not so serious as had been supposed.

During the past five weeks, Dean Briggs has been confined to his home at 6 Ash Street, Cambridge, undergoing treatment for what was thought to be ulcers of the stomach under the supervision of Dr. P. H. Means '17, Medical Adviser at the University. A slight relapse caused his being taken to Phillips House two days ago, but Dr. Porter's examination seems to point toward the future recovery of the patient.

Dean Briggs has long been known as a famous educator. An assistant professor of English from 1885 to 1890, he received his professorship in 1891. In the same year he became dean of Harvard College, an office which he held until 1902, when he resigned to become dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. It was while he was president of Radcliffe College from 1903 to 1923 that he became most famous, and was awarded honorary degrees by Harvard. Yale, Western Reserve, and Lafayette Universities.

Since 1923, Dean Briggs has lived in retirement at his Cambridge home.
