Outdoor track will get officially under way with a meeting in the Locker Building on Monday of all aspirants for the University and Freshman teams, it was announced yesterday by Coach E. L. Farrell. The men will be addressed by Coaches Farrell and Jaako Mikkola, who will outline plans for the coming season. E. C. Haggerty '27, former captain and long distance star of the Harvard team, who has been assisting in the coaching this year, will also speak briefly before the gathering.
Because of the Harvard-Yale-Cambridge-Oxford meet, which takes place in the Stadium on July 13, there will be no southern trip this year. The first regular outdoor competition on the Crimson schedule is the Penn Relays on April 26 and 27, in which Harvard will enter teams for the mile, four-mile, and possibly the 440-yard relay contests. A few sprinters, weightmen, and hurdlers may also go down to this meet.
A new feature of the track program this spring will be a triangular engagement between Harvard, Brown, and Holy Cross, which will take place on May 4. With the annual University handicap meet scheduled for May 10, the next intercollegiate clash at Cambridge will be with Dartmouth, only a week before the Yale contest on May 25, Nine weeks after the official opening of the Harvard season comes the annual I. C. 4 A. meet at Philadelphia on May 31 and June 1, which completes the regular schedule.
Candidates for the javelin, shot, discus, and hammer have been working out informally when weather permitted, since the indoor I. C. 4 A. meet of March 2. The call for long distance men was issued two weeks ago, when candidates for all departments of the Freshman team were also summoned for the first time to prepare for their initial encounter which is to be with Andover on April 20. Other engagements on the 1932 schedule include meets with Exeter on May 18 and with Yale on May 25.
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