
The Student Vagabond


9 o'clock

"Execution of Charles l", Professor Whitney, Harvard 6.

"The Congress and the President", Professor Holcombe, New Lecture Hall.

10 o'clock


"Metabolism", Dr. Parker, Geology Lecture room.

"Hay's Far Eastern Policy", Professor Baxter, Harvard 2.

"Blood Circulation", Professor Crozier, Zoology Laboratory 46.

"Moral Rules", Professor Perry, Emerson A.

11 o'clock

"John Gay", Professor Murray, Harvard 3.

2 o'clock

"The Parts of Dickens, Du Maurier and Merrick", (Part 11), Professor Hersey, Emerson J.

"Political Theory and the Practice of Politics", Professor Barker, Harvard 6.


9 o'clock

"Etruscan Wall Paintings", Professor Chase, Fogg Lecture room.

"Was Chu Hsl a Materialist?", Professor Porter, Widner 771.

10 o'clock

"Labor Parties", Professor Friedrich, Harvard 1.

11 o'clock

"Schiller's Rauber", Professor Sllz, Sever 25.

"Meredith", Dr. Maynadier, Sever 11.

12 o'clock

"Development of Territorial Market Systems", Professor Usher, Widner U.

2 o'clock

"The Primates", Professor Allen, Zoology Laboratory 46.

"Smallet and Sterne", Professor Greenough, Sever 11.
