
In the Graduate Schools

"The Epidemiology of Paratyphoid Infections" is Subject

E. O. Jordan, professor of Hygiene and Bacteriology in the University of Chicago, and acknowledged throughout the country as a foremost authority on these subjects, is to give the Cutter Lecture on Preventive Medicine tomorrow afternoon at the Harvard Medical School, on the question of "The Epidemiology of Paratyphoid Infections." The lecture will be held at Amphitheatre Building E, and will start at 5 o'clock. It is open to the medical profession and students, public health students, and the press.

John Clarence Cutter, founder of the lectures, was a figure prominent in the medical profession and devoted to it. He was born in 1851, educated at Amherst, and afterwards at the Dartmouth and Harvard Medical Schools. In 1878 he went to Japan, where he was consulting physician of the Imperial Colonial Department. He stayed in Japan nine years and was decorated by the Emperor before leaving. He then studied in Berlin and Vienna, and finally returned to America. He opened an office in Worcester, where he contracted blood poisoning, from which he died in 1909.
