Among the 88 scholars, authors, and artists who have just been granted fellowships by the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation are four Harvard professors, two of whom have received their initial awards, and the other two reappointments to previous fellowships.
C. W. Dodge, Curator of the Farlow Reference Library and Herbarium of the University, has been delegated to obtain additional material for a volume on the lichen flora of Costa Rica and to study type material of lichens in several European herbaria. Dr. Dodge is chairman of the committee on the New England Flora of the Boston Mycological Club, and has published many papers on the subject of lichens.
For research work in quantum mechanics, to be carried on in Europe, a fellowship has been given to J. C. Slater, assistant professor of Physics. Professor Slater has already done much work in this field.
K. J. Conant '15, assistant professor of Architecture, has been reappointed to continue the restoration of the Abby Church of Cluny under the joint auspices of the Guggenheim Foundation and the Medieval Academy of America. The work of Professor W. J. Luyten in astronomy is also recognized. He is selected to continue the taking of photographs of the southern sky with the Bruce telescope of the Harvard University Observatory at Mazelspoort, South Africa. His plates will be compared with similar ones taken about 1900 to obtain information concerning the numbers, velocities, and intrinsic brightnesses of the stars in the neighborhood of the sun.
The foundation was established in 1925 by former United States Senator and Mrs. Simon Guggenheim in memory of a son, to "improve the quality of education and the practice of the arts and professions in the United States, to foster research, and to provide for the cause of international understanding."
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