
Pasteur Trials Start

The speeches in the preliminary trials for the Pasteur Medal will be held on April 15 at 7.30 o'clock in Sever 36, it was announced yesterday by L. J. A. Mercier, Associate Professor of French.

The Pasteur Medal was first given in 1898, by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, to be awarded annually thereafter to the successful candidate in a debate on a subject to be drawn from contemporary French politics, the trials to be conducted in English. The administration for awarding the prize is in the hands of the French Department of the University, which, under the terms of the competition, is at liberty to call in the aid of other instructors, of students, and of graduates, in determining the precise conditions of the competition and in selecting judges.

Those interested in entering the contest may consult Professor F. C. Packard '20 in Holden Chapel and Professor Mercler in Holyoke 16.
