
In the Graduate Schools

Visiting Graduates to Consider New Modern Methods of Instruction

An opportunity to see a demonstration of the teaching methods as employed in all departments of the Harvard Dental School will be given graduates when the Harvard Dental Alumni Association and Harvard Odontological Society of Boston hold a joint meeting at the Dental School on April 5.

The meeting, the purpose of which is to demonstrate the modern methods of teaching dentistry and to have visiting graduates explain dentistry as it is taught at other universities, will begin at 10.30 o'clock and from then on throughout the entire day the various. departments will have exhibits.

After a luncheon at 2 o'clock the meeting will continue with several small table clinics, which have proved highly successful at dental gatherings at other schools. These small table exhibits will enable the visiting dentists to observe specialized technique on particular phases of dentistry in small groups.

In the evening the regular monthly meeting of the Harvard Odontological Society of Boston will be held. Dr. Eugene B. Wyman '04, president of the Harvard Dental. Alumni Association and Dr. Edward C. Hoey '17, secretary have general charge of the meeting and the arranging of details. They will also be glad to give out any information on the joint meeting.
