

One more hurdle is removed, from the straightaway that leads to commencement by the decision of those in charge of English 41 that seniors shall not be required to take the April hour examination regularly scheduled for the course. Slowly but surely Harvard instructors seem to be realizing that the establishment of the general examinations is more than a mere addition to former duties. Progress does not mean that we hitch our good old pair of trotters to the front bumper of an automobile and so combine the best features of both; and it is equally idle to hope for the success of an educational system which fails to recognize the implications of its forward steps.

Several men in charge of courses regularly taken by seniors have already adjusted their requirements to the more comprehensive scheme involved in the system of general examination. Large review courses, with their personnel drawn from every class and a wide variety of interests are admittedly hard put to it to adopt themselves to the needs of everyone. Mr. Perry has recognized the necessity for readjustment of the demands made by a side show just at the time when the main attraction is about to begin in the big tent. The grace with which he has withdrawn his bid for the attention of seniors at a stage when they may ill afford it should be an example to those more conservative instructors who doggedly maintain that success in the past is ample augury for success in the future.
