

Graduate of University of California Receives Second Highest Honor--To Appoint Other Officers Soon

Henry Melvin Hart Jr. 2L, of Spokane, Washington, was elected at a meeting last night to the presidency of the Law Review for the coming year, to succeed Herman Thomas Austern 3L as recipient of the Law School's highest honor. At the same time Maynard Joy Toll, of Glendale, California, a graduate of the University of California in 1927, was elected treasurer.

Hart is Harvard Graduate

Hart was graduated from Harvard in 1926, after having achieved great distinction in his college career. As a Freshman he won the Union Prize in 1923, and later held two scholarships. He was a member of the Student Committee on Education, of the Debating Council, and of the Phoenix and Speakers' Clubs. In 1924-1925 he was assistant Managing Editor of the CRIMSON; and became Editorial Chairman in his Senior Year. He was graduated Summa Cum Laude from the College; held a traveling scholarship in Europe for a year; and last year at the Law School was second ranking man in his class.

The new president will announce in a few days his appointments of the Note, Case, and Book Review editors who are to head these departments of the publication.


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