

University Coach to Supervise Work for Remainder of Week--Other Sports Attract Football Material

Harvard's spring football practice officially began yesterday afternoon when 75 men reported to Coach J. L. Knox '98 on the Business School Field for the initial workout of the season. Coach Knox, who directs second team activities in the fall, was in charge yesterday in place of Coach Horween who was unable to be present until this afternoon.

The main object of the practice yesterday was to let the players get the feel of the ball and to let them loosen up after the winter's lay-off. The linemen were divided up into several groups under W. A. Cleary '15, C. J. Hubbard '24, F. A. Pickard '29 and John Donovan. These worked on the fundamentals of line play, charging, coming out of the line and falling on the ball. Captain J. E. Barrett '30, J. N. Trainer '31 and J. Potter were the only 'H' linemen who were present yesterday. Some of the members of the forward wall are expected out today while the interference of another sport will keep several men from participating at all. B. H. Ticknor '31 is playing baseball while R. H. O'Connell '30 is out for track. S. C. Burns '30 has just finished playing basketball but he is expected out in a few days.

Coach E. L. Casey '19 had general charge of the backfield men and was assisted by A. E. French '29, captain of the 1928 team, who was out helping some of the men familiarize themselves with the lateral pass. Frank Shaughnessy is also coming later in the season to help with the lateral pass.

W. R. Harper '30 was the only backfield letter man present yesterday, but Arthur Huguley '31 and E. T. Putnam ocC are both expected in a few days. Baseball has claimed the attention of T. W. Gilligan '31 and S. L. Batchelder '31, two promising Sophomores on the squad last fall so that they will not be out for spring practice. Several Freshman candidates who made their numerals on the first-year team this year were also in uniform.

After some of the preliminary work was over the men were divided up into teams to play touch football. The entire practice yesterday was rather informal but with the coming of Coach Horween today, it is expected that a little stiffer program will be on schedule.
