

Captain Van Auken Outlines Plans for Annual Excursion--Two Battleships to Accommodate Students

Havana will be the destination the Naval Science cruise this summer, it was officially announced by Captain W. R. Van Auken, U. S. N., in a lecture at the Old Fogg yesterday to students in the department. Captain Van Auken, who is attached to the Bureanu of Navigation in Washington, came to Harvard as the representative of the Navy Department to outline the arrangements for the trip.

On June 17 the battleships "Wyoming" and "New York" will leave Charlestown and steam directly to Boston. On Saturday, June 22, a date arranged so as to enable the Harvard contingent to see the boat races on Friday, the four units, from Harvard. Yale, Georgia Tech, and Northwestern, will embark.

Bermuda will be the first stop, from the 25 to the 27 and the men will be given plenty of shore leave to see the island. Leaving, they will alive at Havana on July 2, spend the Fourth in Cuba, and depart about the 6. Charlestown is to be reached on July 8, and they will return to Boston on the 11.

The cruising in general will be done at a slow speed to permit extensive manoeuvers which are deemed valuable training for the student sailors. At times the senior members of the units will be allowed to do as officers of the deck and to do some of the navigating.
