

Informal Conversations With Poets and Critics Intended--Room Will be Fitted for Amy Lowell Collection

Modern poetry will be taken out of the Harvard classroom and put into the bookshelf and the informal talk by the gift of $42,000 made to the President and Fellows of Harvard College by Morris Gray, '77. Three gifts, totaling that amount, were made, with the object that the income should be applied to the purchase of books of current modern poetry, and books upon the subject, and for talks by poets and critics.

Authorities of the Harvard Library have undertaken to begin immediately the collection of volumes of modern poetry and of books of criticism upon modern poetry. The room in which the Amy Lowell Collection will be housed seems the natural place for the location of the new volumes of modern poetry.

In accepting Miss Lowell's collection, the University promised to keep her collection intact, and this new gift will afford it the best setting imaginable. It is intended that a room shall be set aside in Widener Library for the purpose, and supplied with furnishings like those in undergraduate rooms, if possible, with the actual furnishings of students who are graduating.

In this setting poets and critics will be brought to speak to gatherings of Harvard undergraduates. No more than 40 or 50 students will be expected at a time in order that the donor's wishes for small and friendly conversations, rather than platform speeches, may be carried out. Only undergraduates will be present at these talks.
