The Princeton Alumni Weekly, in commenting on the Harvard plan for a group of residential undergraduate colleges, made possible through the Harkness gift, and which "Lampy" severely criticized, has the following to say:
Princeton men, in common with university men everywhere, will watch with keen interest Harvard's venture in creating a group of residential colleges for undergraduates after the Oxford and Cambridge model. The Harkness gift of eleven million dollars will provide the physical necessities of the plan. It remains to be proved that values will accrue from this courageous effort to integrate the academic and social life of a great university.
Here at Princeton following President Wilson's memorable advocacy of the "Quadrangle Plan" in 1907, we have had for some fifteen years, in our Graduate College, a demonstration of this idea as applied to graduate students. The Graduate College, as we have developed it, has become a distinguished characteristic of our university organization.
Anyone who is aware of the complexity of undergraduate social life in American colleges, and who is therefore conscious of the prejudices that are inevitably aroused when the adequacy of the club or fraternity system is challenged will grant that Harvard has undertaken the more difficult task when she attacks the problem as it relates to undergraduates. One can but admire the courage of the Harvard authorities in venturing upon so thorny a path. --McGill. Daily
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