
The Student Vagabond

No matter how the creators of cultured men feel about it, the fact remains that very few students meet those ancient authors of whose distant fame they have heard since their Gore Hall period, until the melancholy days of Divisionals are near. So the Vagabond was pleasantly surprised to learn that Sophocles' tragedy Electra was being presented at Eliot Hall, Jamaica Plain. There he found the ancient drama excellently played against a background of temple and poplars, with a cast directed by a former member of the 47 Workshop. With the altruistic spirit typical of better-class Vagabonds, he sought information as to how this might be enjoyed by other students, and discovered that performances will be given this evening and tomorrow at 8.15. Students may secure tickets at the door for one dollar. The method recommended for the untaxied is to take a Jamaica Plain car at Park Street, and get off at Eliot Street. No seats are reserved; the implication to timeliness is obvious.

The Vagabond had it on his calendar to say something today about the fact that spring is only ten days off now, but the poor arithmetic of a janitor who thought it had already come and took the day off yesterday, along with the steam in the radiator, changed his mind on that score. It took every one of the hitherto purely ornamental logs in his fire-place to thaw out his typewriter enough to use, so before it solidifies again he hastens to add that any such comments are hereby postponed to a later and he hopes not too much later, date.

The lectures to choose from for one's idle moments today include:


9 o'clock


"Theories of Justice in Taxation", Professor Burbank, Harvard 3.

10 o'clock

"Seneca the Elder, Valerius Maximus and Velerius Paterculus", Professor Rand, Sever 13.

"Photosunthesis", Professor Crozier, Zoology Laboratory 46.

11 o'clock

"The New West", Professor Schlesinger, New Lecture Hall.

12 o'clock

"Rise of The Sugar Trade", Professor Usher, Widener U.

"Michael Angelo", Professor Post, small Fogg lecture room.

"Ravel's Spanish Rhapsody", Professor Hill, Music Building.

2 o'clock

"Gibbon and Other Historians", Professor Greenough, Sever 11.
