

To Present Production Thursday and Friday--Scene is Based on College Athletics

"Whoops Dearie", this year's musical comedy production of the Pi Eta Club will be presented next Thursday and Friday evening at the Pi Eta House. Thursday's performance will take place after the Graduate dinner and will be for Graduate only. The performance on Friday, which is to be followed by a dance, will be for members and their friends.

The theme of the show is based on the college life at Peckwater College. The athletes of this mythical school play an important part in depicting the life there. The comedy lead is played by an ex-prize fighter, while the climax of the performance comes during the baseball game between Peckwater and Crawford. A unique method is to be used to portray this game on the stage, according to the directors of the play.

The entire management of the show is in the hands of undergraduates in the club. H. R. Thayer '29 having charge of the production of the comedy. The book was written by D. C. Lewis '30; the musical score was composed by B. D. Hanighan '30 and E. B. Murphy '31, while Henry Adamson '30 wrote the lyrics. The scenery, which is said to be a feature of the show, was designed and executed by J. W. Bethell '29 and T. B. Quigley '29.

The comedy lead is to be taken by G. L. Leach '29. Others having leading roles are J. W. Bethell '29, F. W. Blatchford '30, D. C. Lewis '30, and J. P. Davis '30. A chorus of 16, trained by a Boston dancing school, is to humor the audience with several tiller numbers. Several featured tap-dancing parts are also included
