
Gibson Terrace Lodgers Seek Aid in Feud With Crooning Felines--Local Police to Mobilize Bean Blowing Squad

Cambridge cats evidently ought to take a course in voice training or at least they ought to strike a different note when going on nightly serenades. The cats, by their nocturnal crooning, which lasts too late into the night, have brought down the wrath of the professors, instructors, and students who live in the college-owned buildings in Gibson Terrace to such an extent that the latter have sought outside aid.

After shoes, books, alarm clocks and other articles used on such occasions failed, the victims of the serenades appealed to the Harvard Housing Commission, asking them to prevent the cats from continuing their howling. The Commission sought the aid of the Animal Rescue League of Boston, but was referred by them to the Cambridge Police Force.

In a letter received yesterday by Captain M. J. Brennan, of the police force, the Commission asked him to kidnap the "half starved cats who perch on the back-yard fences" and disturb the sleep of many a Harvard man. The Housing Commission suggested no method by which the cats may be gotten rid of, however, and Captain Brennan said that he was also at a loss to think of a plan of action that might be employed in the war on the felines. He suggested that he might call for volunteers among his men to form a "bean blower squad" and detail them to slink around the alleys and yards of the terrace and inflict their ammunition upon the molesting chorus. The only objection to this method is that it will not make for the permanent removal of the feline songsters from Cambridge. Captain Brennan however promised that the molesters would be removed as soon as he can mobilize his cat-trapping squad.
