

Vocal, Mandolin, Banjo Units Prepare for Three Concerts--Jazz Orchestra in the Making

As the result of trials held recently, 35 men have been taken into the Freshman Instrumental Clubs, according to a statement made last night by Eustin Dearborn '32, recently appointed president of the Clubs. These men, together with the 17 Freshmen, previously chosen members of the University Instrumental Clubs, will fill positions in the Vocal, Mandolin and Banjo units of the new organization.

Work has been proceeding rapidly during the past week. The positions of vice-president and secretary-treasurer have been filled by P. M. Whitman '32 and J. B. Hawes '32, respectively.

In spite of a lack of first tenors for the Vocal Club and a deficiency in violins, guitars, and cellos for the Banjo and Mandolin Clubs, material for the three groups is on the whole good. R. R. White '32 is organizing a jazz orchestra.

Rehearsals are being held in the Gore Hall common room with W. N. Rice directing the Instrumental Clubs and R. P. Ballard '24, coach of the Vocal Club. Leaders of the three divisions are yet to be picked from among the members of the respective units.

Three concerts have been scheduled for the Freshmen. A concert is planned for the Freshman Jubilee and another will be held a few days before the Jubilee. A concert at the Roxbury Veterans' Hospital is also planned.


A competition is being conducted by G. W. Lewis '32, second assistant manager of the University Clubs for the position of Freshman manager and assistant manager. Freshmen may still enter this competition by meeting Lewis.
