

Cabinet Now Elected by House Workers Instead of College--Committees are Reorganized

The dissolution of the St. Paul's Society and the withdrawal of the St. Paul's Catholic Club from the Phillips Brooks House Cabinet were announced yesterday by the officers of the three organizations. The action was a further step in the reorganization of the Brooks House Association which began with making smaller and more effective the Cabinet and centering the executive power of Brooks House within the organization itself by depriving the University of its former privilege to participate in Brooks House elections. The decision was the result of a vote of the Cabinet at its monthly meeting last Tuesday and will go into effect immediately.

The St. Paul's Society was an Episcopal group which attempted to bring together the Churchmen of the University. It was founded in 1862. Most of its functions having already been transferred to the Brooks House and other of its activities interesting an ever decreasing number of students, the members of the Society have felt it desirable to dissolve their organization and lodge its few remaining duties with the Brooks House Association.

The St. Paul's Catholic Club, although its president is an ex-officio member of the Brooks House Cabinet, has long been in fact independent of the latter group, having its own meeting house, support, and officers. The organization is steadily growing and has reached a point where it no longer needs Phillips Brooks House assistance, and it is in line with the present reorganization of that body to break off a purely nominal relationship.

The Phillips Brooks House, however, will continue its policy of granting freely the use of its rooms, financial aid, and advice to any student religious group which may desire such assistance. But membership in the Cabinet will be restricted to the actual leaders of Brooks House activities.

The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer will be elected by men active in some phase of Brooks House work, while the graduate secretary and the staff secretary will be appointed by the Phillips Brooks House Committee with the suggestion and approval of the Cabinet. The Executive Committee, the Librarian, and the Chairman of the Social Service, Foreign Student. Harvard Mission, Chapel, and Speakers Committees will be appointed by the graduate secretary with the advice of the Cabinet, as will the chairmen of the Graduate, Dental, Medical, and Law School Committees
