

Although plans have at last been adopted which call for the erection of permanent steel stands in place of the former wooden bleachers, the Stadium problem still remains unsolved. Only recently, Mr. Bingham explained the rapidly increasing demand for football tickets, which clearly indicated that the enclosed-Stadium as it now stands is no longer large enough; the time, he said, is almost at hand when each alumnus will be offered only one ticket for the Yale contest.

As Mr. Bingham had already pointed out in his report of last year, the plan for the erection of a new structure has been proved practicable by the number of ticket applications received each fall at the Athletic Association. It is to be regretted that the present opportunity for carrying out this scheme has been allowed to slip; for at the present rate of deterioration little more than a decade will pass before the concrete Stadium itself will be unfit for service.

In view of the objections of the Corporation toward Mr. Bingham's suggestion, the construction of permanent steel stands at the open end of the Stadium is the most practical solution of the problem. The preservation of the straightaway track is insured by a tunnel under the stands. These seats are permanent inasmuch as they will remain intact as long as the Stadium itself is in a serviceable state of repair. At the end of that time, however, they may prove further usefulness by accommodating spectators at baseball games. But as long as they remain an integral part of the Stadium, they will provide more comfortable seats than nearly 18,000 football enthusiasts have occupied lately.


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