At a meeting of Freshmen interested in debating, held recently, auspicious plans were made for the Spring schedule of the Freshman Debating Council. A temporary executive board was elected whose members are to handle all debating affairs until permanent officers are chosen.
The following were elected to the executive board: R. N. Clark '32, L. J. Davidson '32, R. B. Eckles '32, S. D. Pollard '32, and A. A. Windecker '32.
Clark, who is temporary secretary, announced that tentative arrangements had been made to debate Tufts on March 20, Dartmouth on March 27, and Lawrence High School on April 19. The season will come to a close with the Harvard-Yale-Princeton triangular debate on April 26. This debate, the question of which is to be decided later, is to be held on the Oxford Plan, each team having three speakers, with the decision being rendered by the audience. The negative teams will travel. Harvard's going to New Haven and Princeton's coming here.
There will be separate trials, in the nature of five minute speeches, for each debate, all Freshmen being eligible for these trials. The trials for the first debate will probably be held on March 11. It was also announced by Assistant Professor F. C. Packard '20 that a prize of $50 will be awarded to the debater who delivers the best speech in the trials for the Harvard-Yale-Princeton debate.
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