
The Student Vagabond


9 o'clock

"Accession of Charles I", Professor Whitney, Harvard 6.

"The Regulation of Interstate Commerce", Professor Holcombe, New Lecture Hall.

10 o'clock


"Fielding", Professor Burlbut, Sever 11.

"Electromagnetism", Professor Black, Jefferson Physical Laboratory 1.

"The Moral Act and the Moral Agent", Professor Perry, Emerson A.

"John Dickinson", Professor Wright, Sever 19.

"James Russell Lowell", Professor Murdock, Harvard 2.

"Hazlitt", Dr. Starr, Sever 18.

11 o'clock

"Economics and Constitutionalisin", Professor Elliott, Harvard 2.

"Volksbucher", Professor Howard, Sever 6.

"Colly Cibber", Professor Murray, Harvard 3.

"Flaubert", Professor Campbell, Sever 5.
