

Insists That Public Benefits Most From Private Ownership--Sponsored by Liberals and Socialists

This afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Harvard Liberal Club on Winthrop Street, a debate will take place between Norman Thomas, representing the League of Industrial Democracy, and Professor Philip Cabot of the Harvard Business School. Mr. Thomas will argue the affirmative of the proposition: "Resolved, That power resources should be publicly owned."

Mr. Thomas, the presidential candidate of the socialist party in the recent election, will endeavor to show that electric power is a public service and as such should be owned and operated by the government.

When interviewed by a CRIMSON reporter, Professor Cabot made the following statement: "It is wholly to the interest of the public that some private concern have a monopoly of electric power. This concern is not in a position to exercise its control to the injury of the public. Men who are working for their own profit have, by the very nature of things, more interest in their job than men working for the government." He believes that the power monopoly can and does benefit the people, and this he is confident he can prove this afternoon.

The debate, which is sponsored jointly by the Harvard Liberal Club and the Harvard Socialist Club, will be open to the public. Twenty minutes have been set aside during which members of the audience who so desire may ask questions of either speaker.
