
Clarence Cook Little Supports Action of Lampoon Trustees in Deploring Recent Issue--Will Continue Cancer Research

I think that the recent action of the Lampoon editors in printing their "Protest of the Masses" issue brings to the fore one of the big arguments in favor of the House Plan," said Dr. Clarence Cook Little '10, retiring president of Michigan University in an interview with a CRIMSON reporter yesterday.

"I am very sorry about that issue" he continued. "If it was the honest opinion of the editors one might excuse it but on the whole I think it was not a wise act."

He went on to say that he thought the situation created by the publication of the issue was one which the House Plan would remedy. "The action of the Lampoon editors shows that the men are in need of more mature minds in their midst, to prevent them from repeating things of that nature. The trustees who threatened to resign are in the right, for as overseers they can force the issue and make the Lampoon retract."

"I think the House Plan very fine," he said enthusiastically. "Of course I haven't heard all the arguments against the plan but from the standpoint of an older man, who has had some experience with college boys, I think the plan a good one in every respect."

As to future plans Dr. Little had nothing definite to say. "I would gladly tell you what my plans are," he said, "but I do not know myself what work I will do. For the present I will continue in my research work."
