Ancient civilizations remind most of us at once of Egypt and Mesopotamia, and even in America there are few who realize the extent of the culture that was developed on our own continent before the Europeans arrived. One of the most interesting of these civilizations was that of the Mayas who reached a high point in sciences and the arts while still the victims of almost incredible superstitions. It will well repay the journey to Peabody Museum to hear Professor Dixon discuss them this morning at 11 o'clock.
The other lectures recommended for the first two days of this week are:
9 o'clock
"Public Expenditures for Education", Professor Burbank, Harvard 3.
10 o'clock
"Horace's Earlier Works", Professor Rand, Sever 13.
"Solar Phenomena", Professor Stetson, Astronomy Laboratory.
"Newton and Descartes", Professor Whitehead, Emerson D.
11 o'clock
"The Mayas", Professor Dixon, Peabody Museum.
"Hydrolysis and the lesser members of the sulphur family", Professor Lamb, Mallinckrodt large lecture room.
"Contending Forces in America, 1850-1860", Professor Schlesinger, New Lecture Hall.
12 o'clock
"Piano Playing before 1830", Professor Hill, Music Building.
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