
A Dog's Life

BUGLE. Thomas C. Hinkle. William Morrow & Co., 1929, New York. $1.75.

OF all books, dog stories are probably the least fruitful of results for a reviewer. Readers are divided up into the more or less air-tight groups of those that like them and those that do not, and by now the latter have already turned to another article. For the benefit of the others, "Bugle" is one of the better dog stories. It deals with the adventures attendant upon the life of a hunting dog in the wilder regions of the West, and there is no lack of action in the incidents leading up to a stirring climax in the fight with an outlaw grizzly.

The chief merit of the book in the eyes of this reviewer is the negative one of restraint. The author does not endow his canine hero with complicated powers of reasoning and intricate emotional capacities, but presents a simple annal of his actions. The style is of a simplicity almost crude in parts but effective in the scenes of action.
