All college students and graduates of classes from 1926 to 1930 are eligible to enter an essay contest, now being conducted by The New Republic. First prize consists of $100, second prize, $75. The winning essay will be printed in The New Republic.
The purpose of the contest is to find out the type of college students prefer to attend, and to encourage thinking and writing about standards of academic life. No essay should be more than 2000 words in length.
The judging committee will consist of the following men: Alexander Meiklejohn of the University of Wisconsin, author of "The Liberal College"; Max McCom of Lehigh University, author of "College of Kindergarten": R. M. Lovett of the University of Chicago and The New Republic.
It is suggested that the essays might consider the following points: Should the college be located in the city or in the country? What is the best number of students for a college to have. In order to best serve the individual and the group? What is the best manner of selecting students, and what points should be stressed in admission requirements? How much specialization should be allowed, and to what degree should electives be permitted? What is the most practical method of instruction, examinations, lectures, or seminars? Are fraternities more desirable as living quarters than dormitories?
All articles should be addressed as follows: The New Republic, College Essay Editor, 421 West 21 Street, New York City. All essays must be in the office of The New Republic on or before April 1, 1929, to receive consideration.
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