John Franklin Ebersole, A.M. '09, at present economic advisor and chief of the section of Financial and Economic Research in the Treasury Department, is coming to Cambridge in January to lecture throughout the next half year at the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, it was announced at University Hall. He will told the position of Professor of Finance.
At the same time it was made known has Joseph Warren '97, who became Bussey Professor of Law in 1919, has been elected Weld Professor of Law and that Edmund Morris Morgan '02, professor of Law at the Harvard Law School since 1925, succeeds to the Bussey Professorship of Law.
Before going to Washington, Professor Ebersole served from 1920 to 1927 a assistant federal reserve agent of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. He received his Ph. B. from the university of Chioago in 1907, and from 1911 to 1917 served as assistant professor and professorial lecturer on economics, banking, investments, business cycles, and bank management, at the University of Minnesota. From 1917 to 1920 he was cashier and later vice president of the State Deposit Bank of Minneapolis.
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